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I was diagnosed with RA 8 yrs ago. I am now 68.

I started on MTX which I didn’t feel great on. I always seemed to be taking prednisone, and I was seeing the consultant less and less and felt he wasn’t interested.

I remember ringing the rheumy nurse as I was feeling so I’ll and she said, "What do you want us to do?"

Well, that made my mind up, and I decided to go somewhere else.

Fractures & RA

In the meantime I lifted a heavy cast iron dish out of the oven and ended up with 4 fractures in the spine and crushed vertebrae. After 4 months of rest I felt no better.

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I asked for an MRI scan but was refused. It was the x-ray that showed my fractures up, however, I wasn’t convinced.

I managed to see a different GP and was sent for a scan which showed 7 fractures.

I was horrified to know this as I knew I felt ill.

I asked to be referred to a spinal consultant which was done, however, it took 3 yrs before I saw him and I have never been the same.

RA symptoms and more

I have a lung problem due to MTX, large cuts on both kidneys, hypothyroidism, and goiter.

I have osteoarthritis in my lower back and knee.

I have cataracts and laser done on both eyes because of being on prednisone.

I’m always having kidney infections, and I have never been great trying to tolerate drugs.

I had infu 3 yrs ago of Rituxan and became very ill.

I have been on Abatacept which worked for a short while. I’m now on Benapali which is up and down as I have to come off it if I get an infection. I saw my consultant a few days ago and tried to say how I was feeling.

He more or less said to stay on prednisone for good as that’s the only thing that helps.

Mental health & RA

Since my appointment I have just felt flat, I push myself every day but just put up with pain. I have asked if I can be referred to a pain clinic, I keep thinking there must be something better to come.

I could say more but sometimes becomes depressing 👍

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