Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis

Hi everyone. I'm Kathy from NC.

Telling my RA story

I was born on March 6, 1969, and diagnosed in 1971 with JRA.

I have spent my life learning to live with this disease but as I get older it's getting harder.

My RA treatments

I have been on everything from Gold Shots to my Orencia. My body seems to build up immunity to drugs after a while.

I have been on Xeljianz for 6-7 years and even though my RA factors aren't high or changed much, the doctor feels like it's still working, but I'm the one living with it and I believe my body is starting to reject it.

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How RA has impacted my body

More about me.

I have had 6 elbow nodules removed, 5 finger joints replaced with plastic ones now 2 that have been fused with metal, the metatarsal joint in both feet removed and toes fused straight due to being overweight and excessive use of prednisone.

I got a gastric bypass which caused a 3-year remission.

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