RA Journey

I was diagnosed with RA 10 years ago. I'm 71 years old today. Shortly thereafter, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. While undergoing bilateral mastectomy and reconstruction, I was unable to return to my RA meds (they don't match with chemo). I am now 8 years cancer free, Yea!!!!

During this time, my Rheumy had me on Humira shots, but when I went on Medicare, they wouldn't cover the full amount. So infusions it is, so I started this route.

First was Retuxan (my oncologist did not want me to take Remicade due to tumor side effects). After about 6 months, I broke out in a severe rash all over my body.

The second one we tried was Orencia, which gave me an anaphylactic reaction.

So, the third one we tried was Simponi. It's been 2 years with this one... and then it wasn't. Severe rash!!!

I'm so tired of being sick. Covid, two knee replacements, cancer... I really try to keep my head up. Most of the time, I manage.

Have any of you tried infusions that did not last very long?

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