RA, YAY: Coping with RA, Fibromyalgia, and Autoimmune Pain

I have many diagnoses: RA was included with Raynaud's, Sjögren's, fibromyalgia, SLE, IBS, bone degeneration, and even MS, but that got ruled out a few years ago. RA has popped its ugly little head up and caused some havoc. But the truth is, I truly don't know who or what's causing the pain anymore. My hand swelled up to twice its size and is so painful. X-rays at first said RA, but an MRI found I actually had a sprain between my index and ring finger with a torn ligament. I'm looking at the doctor, asking how the heck I did that. I really don't know! 🤨

I'm confused by how things happen, and I didn't remember or feel it—painful, just so painful everywhere. Sometimes the pain meds work, but mostly they don't, even Tylenol doesn't touch it. At my age now, I'm not dealing too well with the pain like I did in my younger years. It just seems like everything is breaking down. To be honest, I'll try what others have had work for them, but my body laughs at me. So I'm still looking for ways to help me get through the worst days. Thanks.

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