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A Drug That’s Working

After 6 months trying Taltz…I was on and off struggling to button my shirt. My rheumatologist saw me and said, “That’s over. Going to try Rinvoq.”

Experimenting with Rinvoq

I started on Rinvoq in August. It took a bit to work but now, I spend much of my days, symptom free. Yes, I have PsA not RA.

Rinvoq is very strange. But after almost two years without a working drug, I am starting to remember what life was like without chronic pain, despite my efforts, controlling much of my life ... even having cognitive deficiencies.

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Rinvoq is strange ... I have to take the daily pill - plus or minus twenty minutes from the same time. If I miss that time by an hour ... I’ll have a VERY bad day.

The weekend before last, I slept in ... Sat and Sunday. I take Rinvoq at 5:30 each morning. Waking up close to seven meant I was outside the window. Those days were lost.

Sunday afternoon I was convinced it already stopped working ... but nope ... my lost days were because I took the pill 1.5 hours late.

Last Sunday, I took the pill at 5:30 ... as scheduled. Except we had rolled the clocks back ... so I was an hour off. My day was lost ... out of control pain.

Rinvoq is strange but I am thanking God for it working so well.

How much does nutrition matter?

Side point ... I had a BK burger 1/2 hour later and the pain was crazy bad - I left the office and went home. An RA friend told me she could not eat BK ... or Hardees(?) because of a tenderizer they use ... I don’t know. I had a McD burger today - no reaction. So ... no more Whoppers

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