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There are things I can't do, and there are things that I can

The other morning, while in my college anatomy lab, I realized a few things. The first was I am not a morning person, and whoever thought giving sleep deprived college students scalps at 8 AM was a great idea must be crazy. The second thing I realized was I could not be a surgeon for several reasons. Most of them are due to my arthritis, like spending hours on your feet or having to make fine movements with your hands. It'd be pretty difficult to do that when having a flare up. But as I was thinking about all the jobs I could have had if I didn't have my arthritis, I also thought about all the ones that I could have. One of which is what I will be pursuing my degree in. I will me attending Occupational Therapy school next fall, which one day I hope to use to help other children and teenagers like me who have Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. It can be hard sometimes when no one your age truly understands what's going on, but having a medical professional out there who knows because they have been there makes it a little easier. So I may not be able to be a surgeon and fix all the broken joints in the world, but I can at least help by sharing my knowledge and tips with some young ones that still have a whole world of possibilities ahead of them.

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