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Earning a living with Arthritis

Hi everyone,

I have had arthritis since i was about 20 or so. I am now 34 and my arthritis used to be just my toes which makes walking painful. Over the past few years i have had bursitis in my left shoulder which i still have restricted movement and cases of RSI if i do lots of Data Entry work.

I used to work in Call Centres as they where sit down jobs but feel the stress is too much and creates mental health issues. ( Been through a severe breakdown from one of them )

I started my own small business 2 years ago selling plants online and deliver local. Its great however i dont earn much some weeks if at all and moving pots around constantly has unfortunately not helped.

I suffer Depression as i feel pretty useless. I need to earn an small income but have struggled most of my life to hold onto perm jobs. I want to find a job that i can do a few hrs a week or casual/ part time so i still have time for my small business.

Feeling stuck as i am finding it impossible to earn an income..

My husband is working full time but i need a way to contribute so we can live a more comfortable life.

Anyone else in this position?

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