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Advice for elbow replacement

Hello, I have RA for over 20 years. It has left me with deformation on my foot hands and now elbows. I was told I need elbow replacement but I’m still looking for other alternatives. If anyone has gone through the same issue, please send me information.Thank you

  1. Hi . I can't personally speak to these elbow issues, but I want to share with you this article from our editorial team looking at how RA impacts the elbows and treatments: I addition, this research article looks at the three types of elbow replacements, with analysis of the available research on outcomes and complications: I also want to note that we have patient leaders here who have had a number of joint replacements. My wife, Kelly Mack, is one of them and has had five successful replacements (bilateral knee and hips and a left shoulder done just a two and half months ago). Hopefully others will chime in with their experiences. Wishing you the best and please know that this community is here for you. Richard ( Team)

    1. Thank you so much 😊

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