RA and Having a spinal fusion Has anyone had a spinal fusion surgery for repair of 2herniated discs that pinched nerves, and attempt to treat spinal stenosis of the spine. The discs collapsed on top of...Reactions0reactionsComments62 repliesSurgery
Living alone with RA and chronic pain.Had rotator cuff surgery in July and life has been over the top with pain. My life. Hoping for some connection and encouragement....Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSymptomsAwarenessCopingFlares & Flare ManagementProgressionSurgeryTips & AdviceVenting
Subtalar fusion.I have great pain in my ankle & have been offered a subtalar fusion which will involve four screws being bolted in to it. I will be in plaster for...Reactions0reactionsComments18 repliesSurgery
I need an elbow replacement but scared because only a handful of doctors that does the procedure. Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesSurgery
FeaturedConversation of the Week: Joint ReplacementHave you had a joint replacement? Are you thinking of having one? Has a doctor said, hmm, let's discuss a new hip, knee, shoulder, or a different joint replacement? I...Reactions0reactionsComments87 repliesSurgery
knee surgeryI tore my meniscus in my knee. The MRI to diagnose it also showed progression of RA damage in the knee too. I had surgery ( just a meniscus repair)...Reactions0reactionsComments24 repliesSurgery
Knee Issue cartilage, meniscus, bone erosion Saw this photo in an RA forum that popped up😳... Identical to what ortho told me from my MRI back in November 2021 NO MENTION RELATED TO RA/D...going too see...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesHealthcare TeamSurgeryTreatment
Advice for elbow replacement Hello, I have RA for over 20 years. It has left me with deformation on my foot hands and now elbows. I was told I need elbow replacement but I’m...Reactions0reactionsComments2 repliesProgressionSurgeryTreatment
Problems after 2nd.stage knee revisionHi there, I had 2nd.stage of surgery to my right knee mid December 2020.Having a lot of pain issues now with knee and lower foot around ankles and just above...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesSurgery
Has anyone had an ankle replacement?I'm due to have an ankle replacement as the triple fusion I had a few years ago hasn't helped and my joints have gotten worse. I was just wondering if...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesSurgery