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I need an elbow replacement but scared because only a handful of doctors that does the procedure.

  1. Hi, I have had RA for over thirty years and have had five joint replacements, one of them an ankle which was done two times and then fixed. Having some worry about surgery is natural, it is a major procedure after all, but I will say that joint replacement has been around for a long time and they have done it many times before. Yes, the recovery takes a while and it can be frustrating at times but it will go so fast before you know it you will be back on your feet. NO pun intended. 😀 Plus, the fact that you will have no pain and more range of motion afterwards is a real bonus. The best bet is to go online and find out who is the best doctor on your area who does the procedure and go and meet with them, if you like them then proceed and if not then find another. I know it is a hassle but having a doctor you like and trust is important. Above all just know you are not alone! We are here to help however we can and many of us have gone through it before. I can confidently say that without joint replacement I would not be upright right now. NO question. Keep on keepin' on, DPM

    1. Hi . Just to follow up on what Daniel was saying, I have found a couple of studies that show quite positive outcomes for elbow replacement surgery (see: and I also want to note that my wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), like Daniel, was diagnosed quite young and has had a number of joint replacements. The first were both hips and knees at age 15 and 16 respectively - 30 years ago. Three of those four are still going strong. The other had a revision for a reason separate from the joint. Her most recent replacement was a reverse shoulder a year and half ago, which has given her a big increase in motion and, more importantly, much less pain. Of course, each case is different and each person has to make the best decision for themself. I hope this information is useful. Wishing you the best and please feel free to keep us posted and to ask further questions. Richard ( Team)

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