I have been battling RA for quite some time now. While working I was able to receive Enbrel or Humira for $60 per year. This was using my work insurance along with a card from the manufacturer which is what got me to $5 a month. Without the card it would have been $200 a month.
Now, here I am at 71 and on Medicare Traditional and can't find any coverage for Enbrel, Humira or other simlar drugs.
When I first started treatment, my doctor tried methotrexate which worked fine but 6 months later caused my liver to develop drug induced hepatitis. It was then that he tried Enbrel which allowed me to return to a "normal" lifestyle. All was well as I said until I retired. The cost for Enbrel skyrocketed to over $6,000 per year out of pocket with the majority falling in the first quarter of each calendar year. I looked through every plan available. The irony is with my prior income, I could have afforded this much easier. Now retired with SSA and a small pension along with a monthly IRA stipen, I can live ok with anough surplus for a small vacation and a little fun. Having to spend $6,000 a year will mean losing my buffer.
My doctor had me try an infusion which was covered 100% since it was given in a hospital environment. All was going well but once again, my liver hepatitis returned and the liver enzymes were rising monthly to the point where I had to see a liver specialist.
At this point I am thinking I will simply have to endure the pain and attempt to live with it using ibuprofin and acetaminiphen.
Has anyone else been able to find treatments that work and are covered by medicare?