Active 3 days agoBiologicsI have been on oral MTX since my diagnosis in September 24. I have just recently switched to subcutaneous injection of MTX in the hope it will be more effective...Reactions0reactionsComments1 repliesSide Effects
How long after stopping prednisone will moon face go away?Hello everyone! I was diagnosed with RA in January after a severe flare-up affecting all of the joints in my hands, shoulders, and big toes. I just finished a 40-day...Reactions0reactionsComments47 repliesSide Effects
Mouth teeth ulcersHi Guys Been on methotrexate since May24. Low dose then upped to get me off anti inflammatorys and pain killers. After 6 months on 6 x 2.5g a week I...Reactions0reactionsComments6 repliesTips & AdviceSide EffectsNewly DiagnosedDiagnosisVentingTreatmentSymptoms
has anyone with RA and MTHFR gene mutation had problems with medicinesI've recently been diagnosed with RA, and I know I have the MTHFR gene mutation. I am having trouble with medications and was wondering if anyone else is experiencing same...Reactions0reactionsComments3 repliesSymptomsSide EffectsDiagnosis
Reaction to Methotrexate Something my Rheumatologist didn’t tell me. Went for my yearly eye exam & my Ophthalmologist said I needed a couple of different tests since now on methotrexate. This med can...Reactions0reactionsComments25 repliesTreatmentSide Effects
Anyone have really bad dry mouth nose eyes etc?Does anyone here have really bad dry mouth nose eyes etc? Also, has anyone here taken Plaquenil if so what type of side effects did you have?...Reactions0reactionsComments21 repliesSide EffectsTreatment
Adverse side effects of methotrexate Has anyone had any adverse side effects to methotrexate. I got the flu and according to the doctors the methotrexate wasn’t working to fight off any infection and I got...Reactions0reactionsComments67 repliesAwarenessSide EffectsTreatment
Hearing Loss & RA - is there a connection? Looking for information or other folks’ experiences of this. I’ve known for some years that my hearing was no longer 100% and during the Covid Pandemic mask wearing made it...Reactions0reactionsComments4 repliesAwarenessProgressionSide Effects
Adrienne aching legsI have aching in my legs everyday 😭 plus inflammation. I take of course meds but this doesn't help....Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesSymptomsAwarenessCopingDiagnosisFlares & Flare ManagementSide EffectsTips & AdviceVenting
How do I deal with dizzy spells in the mornings. I have been having d'Issy spells in the mornings for the past 10 days…...Reactions0reactionsComments8 repliesSide Effects