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anti-jo-1 positive during routine blood work

34 Male, Diagnosed with Ulcerative Colitis 1 year back noticed ANA IF positive (1:100) "anti-jo-1 positive" (1 positive) while testing for ENA profile. Where as all other Auto ANTIBODIES remains negative.

This was strange finding as i am not with symptoms for muscles pain/weekness or such.

Doctor also performed creatine kinase [Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK)] and lungs xray, both come Normal.

Any idea why this particular antibody shows positive.? Does it have any relation with UC ?

  1. Hi . It sounds like your confusion is understandable. Do you also have RA, along with ulcerative colitis? I ask because, while UC can be comorbid with RA, we don't have a lot of information on UC. I also want to note that we are not medical professionals and, for your protection, cannot provide medical advice over the internet. We do have a sister-site for ulcerative colitis at I hope that site may be of assistance or if you have a question related to RA we may have some information we can provide. Best, Richard ( Team)

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