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Arthritis Awareness Month 2024 Giveaway: Caption This Picture

**The giveaway is now closed, but members can continue to share a caption for the picture in the comments below!**

  1. Well it looks like morning, so if that’s the case I would say “how many spoons am I going to have today?” Otherwise if it were evening I would say “all spoons used up!”

    1. Love this! Thanks for sharing how you apply 'The Spoon Theory.' -Effie, team member

  2. It reminds me of morning time and having to get up when you don't have the energy to. I'm thinking "When there's no "up" in your giddyup." Or "Overcoming The Morning Blahs."

    1. I love "When there's no "up" in your giddyup" The play on words is so on point! -Latoya (Team Member)

  3. "I'm going to pass on today"

    1. I feel this so much. Looks like she's just laying there, already over it before the day has started. -Latoya (Team Member)

  4. Now that I got my arm up there, how am I going to get it down?!! 😅

    1. HAHA! That's a good one! -Latoya (Team Member)

    2. This is the winner!

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