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I was diagnosed at age 5 in 1962.
Have had good years and less bad.
Early years they didn't know much.
And put me in and out of casts. One time in traction. In the hospital a few times.
Willing to help someone if I can with questions.

  1. Thank you so much for your help to the community! It really helps others with RA to hear from, well, others with RA! DPM

    1. Hi thank you so much for taking the time to share your experiences and willingness to give back to those in the community who may need a helping hand. I was diagnosed with JRA (now JIA) in 2005, and they didn't know much about it then even unfortunately. I was diagnosed 3-4 years later after first having very subtle symptoms that doctors just mentioned were "growing pains." Though it was around this time the new biologics hit the market. But by the time I got diagnosed and started medication, I already had joint damage in my hands. I would love to ask a question as a team member here on how you have managed these good and bad days, and how you have not let the disease get in the way of what you want to do in life. -Effie, team member

      1. Hi . Diagnosed in 1962 may be longest tenure I have seen with JRA. My wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), was diagnosed at age two, 45 years ago. We have a couple of other contributors diagnosed very young in the same timeframe. I'm curious, did your parents have a tough time getting you a diagnosis? Also, were there ever difficulties getting treatment (as limited as they were) because doctors didn't want to try things on a child? It seem this has happened to a lot of JRA patients (note: the concerns about trying certain things on children can be understandable). Thanks for your willingness to offer your experience to the community - it is always great to see the members try to help each other out. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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