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Bad RA Day

I wanted to share my day with this group, as I am sure all of you have had a similar feeling. Today was one of those days where I was tired when I woke up and it just got tougher as the morning went. I climbed back in bed and slept for 5 hours. My arms felt like there were cement bags on the ends. I was able to get up and start moving, which helps most times. I will not let this stop me from doing what I want to do, but I struggle mentally when I lose days to it. It is also hard to see the impact it has on my family as it may change our schedules. We cannot give in or give up.Bad RA Day

  1. I'm so glad you shared this, ! Is that your drawing? It really sums up life with RA very well!

    I'm so sorry it's been a bad RA day and I hope tomorrow is better. And, like you said, all you can do is keep going and not give up!

    Best, Erin, Team Member.

    1. Hi there! Just checking in to see how things are going today. I hope things turned around for you and you found much relief. Hang in there! Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

      1. Thank you for checking in. This has been an interesting few days. Normally, my flare ups last half a day to a day, maybe drag into 1.5 days. This was four solid days. It kicked my ass! This one also impacted my neck for the first time, and that has not yet relieved itself.

        I hate not being productive. I believe the summer heat is tough on me, and amplifies my issues.

        1. Hi . You definitely are not alone in finding the heat and humidity of summer to be a problem for the RA. Also, if you haven't already, you may want to discuss the neck issues to your rheumatologist. I mention this simply because neck issues can be so troublesome. Here is a Forum discussion on neck issues which includes a number of links for more specific information: Hope this is helpful and you are feeling some relief soon. Best, Richard ( Team)

        2. Ugh! I'm sorry you had an awful couple of days. No one should have to go through so much pain. If you're interested, check out this video which includes neck exercises that might help with your neck pain- You are still in my thoughts and I hope things turn around for you! Gentle hugs, Latoya (Team Member)

      2. I think we have all had those days, and sometimes more often than not! It really is the unpredictability of the illness that makes things so difficult. If we could plan for what’s to come it would reduce so much stress and anxiety, but often times that’s just not possible. Not even to mention the people around us who want to make plans etc., who end up being put out or even perturbed by our last minute cancellations or rescheduling. We are all just doing the best we can and remember - you don’t have to do it alone! We are here to help however we can. Keep on keepin’ on, DPM

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