Good Morning. I was recently diagnosed with RA (in the last 90 days). I have swelling, stiffness, and pain in my feet, ankles and hands. Along with each flare up I also develop a hard lump just below my knee usually the size of a small orange. It is followed by swelling and redness. My GP and Rheumatologist both diagnosed this as phlebitis. I was sent for ultrasounds to eliminate the diagnosis of blood clots then sent to a vascular surgeon. The surgeon said it is not phlebitis but probably cellulitis and prescribed penicillin to take for several months. All Dr.'s agree not to start treatment for RA until the infection clears. I have been on this round of antibiotics for over 10 days and no sign of relief yet. Is it normal symptom of RA to have this infection or is this unrelated. Any help would be appreciated.