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Cervical stenosis

I am 58 y.o. with RA. Several years ago I was diagnosed with cervical stenosis and have had to have 2 surgeries to fuse different discs. Has anyone else had this diagnosis?

  1. Hi . So sorry you are having these cervical issues. I can't personally speak to this, but want to share with you this article from our contributor Andrew on his neck issues: In addition, our contributor Kat has had several neck surgeries and wrote about dealing with her neck issues here: (she also did several videos on dealing with surgery). Have your surgeries helped? Hopefully others will chime in with their experiences. Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

    1. Typically, as I understand it, stenosis is a degenerative disease that comes with age. However, certain inflammtory diseases can contribute to/cause it, such as ankylosing spondylitis. Do you have this?

      1. Hi Valerie. I have/had cervical stenosis and had 2 levels fused. It has made a world of difference for me. Neither the neurosurgeon or my rheumy felt it was due to the RA, but who knows. My dad had DJD, stenosis, and RA. I have been diagnosed with all of them too, so I feel it could be related. BTW, I'm 49 and was diagnosed 2 years ago.

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