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Choosing Biologics for Arthritis Management

What factors influenced your decision to start or avoid using a biologic medication?
Did you research the potential side effects yourself, or did you rely solely on your doctor’s advice?

  1. Hello, Newbie here! (65 years old, still working). I've had immense success with Skyrizi treating psoriasis. I would be seeking biologics for RA.
    My story, with RA, Starts July 2024, when I was given a cocktail of prednisone and antibiotics, to clear up a lung infection. It was successful, and I was back on my feet. I soon started feeling aches and pains and remedied with Tylenol. Until last weekend when my wrist was so painful I couldn't sleep. I went to emergency the next morning, seeing my wrist was swollen and hoping to get to the bottom of it. After a set of Xrays, they said you have RA and a specialist will contact you for a follow up.
    I had described to the doctor the moving around pain from stiff legs to wrist to shoulders to muscles staying tensed in my forearms. Still waiting for the specialist to call.
    I have found this Forum very useful. Thank you. I'm educating myself on the subject, as it looks like the beginning of a new lifestyle for me.
    I have gone from a very active person, to barely active. I sleep more on weekends.
    So, even though I am willing to look at Biologics, first I need a doctor!

    1. , oh, goodness. As if dealing with one autoimmune condition isn't enough, now you have another one to contend with! Well, the good (?) news is that some of the treatments used for Psoriasis control are also used for RA, since they are both autoimmune conditions. And, you already probably have a pretty good understanding of the challenges that come with autoimmune diseases. Yes, RA has some big differences from Psoriasis, but you have a head start on getting a handle on your new diagnosis.

      I hope that Rheumatologist follows up soon and that you can get an appointment pretty quickly!

      And, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns; we're happy to help in any way we can!

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

      P.S. we also have a sister site dedicated to Psoriasis, if you are interested in checking it out --

  2. Orencia has worked for swelling not so much for flares.

    1. Cimzia has worked great for the swelling, pain and fatigue.

      1. Thank you all for your kind replies.

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