What we did when my dad got to the point it was hard for him to bend to feed and water his small dogs in a stable place, we set up a large boot / shoe mat that had a raised edge on it next to my dad favorite chair. Then we moved the food & water dishes to that mat and this way my father could get the food and water, sit in the recliner and just lean over to the dishes and fill them. As for taking then outside, there is of course a doggie door, which my father was against installing. We ended up finding a removal window pet door and ramps. On the outside the ramps were great, came right up to the window. Inside the house we wanted to hide them, so placed a sofa table (table high enough to fit even with the window ledge)placed that, sofa in front of that and then a ramp that the animals could walk down / up off the table while all still hidden by the sofa. There is also raised stands for animal dishes, pending the animals height of course. Buy or make one, place near a steady object or a hand rail to use to stable yourself bending over and standing up.
Personally, for my house we did raise the dogs dish for it was easier for her too as she aged. As for going outside, I still had no problem taking her, she was my reason for getting up and moving every single day we had her.
Animals / pets are so in tuned to our feelings they know when to comfort us and then know when we need them to make us move. Great listeners also. Support emotionally and physically.