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Cope with it naturally

What are the treatments

  1. Hi - good question this conversation led by one of our RA Health Leaders is all about alternative and complementary treatments for RA: I hope this is of interest and helpful for you. Warmly, - Reggie, team member

    1. Personally, I have not had much luck dealing with my RA naturally over the last forty years or so, and I have tried it all. I completely understand the urge to do so - pharmacological solutions come with side effects and some scary drawbacks, and they can be expensive. The thing is even with a diet that works, the RA seems to still break through. If you are going to choose to try diet you also have to keep in mind that every person's RA responds differently to different food triggers, so it will take a bit of trial and error. If there's anything else specific you want to know about don't hesitate to ask! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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