\n","dateModified":"2024-04-01T20:27:46.619184Z","dateCreated":"2024-04-01T20:27:46.619184Z","datePublished":"2024-04-01T20:27:46.619184Z","commentCount":62,"keywords":["Tips & Advice"],"url":"/forums/stress-with-ra-what-do-you-do-to-shake-it-off","image":{"@id":"/forums/stress-with-ra-what-do-you-do-to-shake-it-off#primaryimage"},"mainEntityOfPage":"True","isPartOf":{"@id":"https://rheumatoidarthritis.net#webpage"},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Daniel Malito"}},{}]}
Stress is a killer, everyone knows that but for people like us with RA, stress is even worse. It can trigger our illnesses and make an already bad situation even worse! Then we even get stress worrying about stress! Talk about a double whammy. So I'm here to ask what is THE thing. YOUR thing. The thing that lets you turn off the world and release the stress. For me, it's Futurama. I can watch the episodes again and again when my world feels like it's kerploding all around me. What's yours? Music? Movies? Sex? Eating 50000 marshmallows and then singing "You are my sunshine?" Whatever it is let's hear it, the weirder the better.