I will start my story by saying I did get both the Covid shots. I am not going to get the third because of my reactions to the first shots. I am not advising anyone else just voicing my opinion. Before the shots I was at the moderate to low level with my RA. It was being controlled by my Enbrel and methotrexate with only two flares which I felt were brought on by a bladder infection. Since the Covid shots I have had an almost constant flare it got so bad I could not even get up. I also developed another bacterial infection which took weeks to over come. I was tested three time for Covid as the Dr.’s felt my symptoms were the result of Covid and I kept telling my primary it was just a very bad flare.
My recent tests showed that Enbrel is no longer working to control my RA.
My Rheumatologist is trying to find another medication that will help me. I don’t have to tell anyone how bad my life is right now.
Because of my feelings I will not have the third shot.