I am new here and must say I am glad to have found this site! I have been feeling unwell for a long time and recently expressed to my DR that I knew something was wrong and needed her to please listen to how I felt. My DR was great and decided to run some tests. My CRP, ANA and Lyme blood work was ok. However, my RA latex turbid came back elevated with the reference range as 0.0-13.9. My labs were 17.9. Is this a postive RA factor? My DR did not really explain the results but simply said I needed to see a Rhuematogist and completed a referral. She felt that with my symptoms and new lab results that I would be diagnosed with RA and need to be cared for by a specialist. If this is the case, what are the next steps? I have called the Rhuematologist and they have yet to schedule me an appointment but stated it could be months. I am anxious and uncertain. I don't want to have RA, but if I do I want to best know how to deal with this condition. I am glad to finally be on the path to answers but all this is really overwhelming. Any advice or insight would be greatly appreciated.