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hello new here. My dr. wants to start me on Enbrel and I was wondering has anyone taken this and had side effects? i am currently on Methotrexate.

  1. Hi - thanks for your question. I don't have personal experience but this forum thread may be of interest. It features one person's experience where Enbrel worked for them for about 2 years but stopped being as effective ( Of course please keep in mind as others' perspectives come in that the effectiveness of different meds can vary as it's very personal for everyone. I hope this helps! - Warmly, - Reggie, team member

    1. thank you

  2. Hi . I want to echo Reggie about the fact that everyone's experience may differ. Enbrel was the first biologic for my wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), and it was effective for a few years. After another biologic and a JAK inhibitor were not as effective, she is now on a biologic that has been extremely effective for heading on 5 years. She has an uncle for who Enbrel has been the only biologic he has needed for well over 15 years. Enbrel is the oldest of the biologics with a long history of effectiveness for many. Here is another Forum post on the topic, with a comments section that may be helpful: and this article from our editorial team gives an overview of the medication: Hoping whatever treatment you choose gives you some relief. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. thank you

  3. Hello ... I started on Humira then was moved to Enbrel. I noticed the difference with Enbrel is bruising at injection site. I've noticed some improvement, however I'm getting less sleep, which may be the RA itself, not necessarily Enbrel. I have had no additional side effects, even though it is different for each person.

    1. thanks for sharing your experience with Rebecca. You're definitely not alone in experiencing bruising at the injection site, although I'm curious about the less sleep you're getting and whether that too will get better or if that is a side effect for you. (As you mention these things can be so hard to tell if it's the RA itself or a side effect.) Is this something that you've been able to ask your doctor about? Also, even though I imagine you're a pro at injections, I wanted to share an article our advocate Rick put together with some of his tips for self injections, If you're comfortable, please keep us posted with how you find the Enbrel to be for you. Wishing you a gentle evening. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

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