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Everything hurts, I don't feel like getting up.

My husband complains about the house and my lack of cooking. I feel guilty. He says mean things to me. I feel like crying. Then he will apologize but the Sting of his words still hurts.

  1. Hi, . I am so sorry your husband doesn't seem to understand what living with RA is like for you. It can be hard for people without the condition to truly grasp what a challenge each day with RA can be! I don't know if your husband is willing to learn more about your condition, but I thought I would share this piece, just in case -- You can only do what you can each day and I hope he comes to understand that a bit better.

    Are you taking any medications to manage your RA symptoms? Do you have any support as you deal with this? A friend? Family member? Co-worker?

    Please know you are welcome here anytime you need some support or just to vent. This community knows what it's like to live with RA and you never have to explain yourself here.

    Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team Member.

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