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My son has cerebral palsey so he needs to go to the gym 4 times a week to keep his muscles stretched and strong. I take him and help and encourage him for the 2 and a half hours sessions as much as possible but it's so so hard. You all know how evil RA is so please any advice would be greatly appreciated. Love and good health to you all x

  1. Lynsey, I do not have any special advice except to find workout buddies at the gym or change gyms to align with others who might also have to do this sort of thing. It is always so much easier when doing the activity with someone else who also has to do it. I am so sorry this must be so difficult.

    1. , my heart goes out to you and your son. I have some kiddos with special needs (although not cerebral palsy) and I know how very draining, heartbreaking, frustrating AND rewarding fighting for and supporting our kids can be! But I have to ask -- do YOU have a support system to help and encourage YOU? That's really important, but I know it's easier said than done. Creating a support system as an adult is no easy feat. Does your son have friends, personal trainers, physical therapists, teachers, aids, etc that can also offer him some support and encouragement? I know my kid tends to actually work harder for others than he does for me, if that makes sense.

      I know it's easier said than done, but you deserve support, too.

      Best, Erin, Team Member.

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