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Felty Questions

I have Felty's. What would be considered routine screenings above and beyond your usual blood work. Thanks!

  1. Thanks for your question! Felty's syndrome is a rare autoimmune disorder that mainly affects individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. While there is no specific test for Felty's syndrome, healthcare professionals may use a combination of medical history, physical examination, and laboratory tests to make a diagnosis. Some of these tests could be Complete Blood Count (CBC), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) and C-Reactive Protein (CRP), X-rays, and ultrasounds as well to name a few. I would like to share an article with you that talks about this more in-depth and mentions how one would be screened for it. You can access it here- Hope this helps!

    1. Hi, thanks for the information. I asked because my current rheumatologist said he would not order an ultrasound because he wouldn't be removing my spleen. I asked about getting one since it had been five years since my diagnosis and the ultrasound was done elsewhere. I would think it would be useful to see if things have progressed or are stable. He never even requested my records when I scheduled to establish care. I like him personally, but have an appointment as a new patient elsewhere. Thanks.

      1. I really think this is a great example for everyone who wonders what it means to actually advocate for yourself. I am sorry that he hasn't been as attentive as you need but much credit to you for not settling and finding a better fit for you as a new patient elsewhere. Warmly - Reggie, team member

      2. How frustrating! It takes so much work to find a doctor that you like, but even with this, if they are not attentive and proactive about hearing your concerns and addressing them, it's best to consider another provider. So I don't blame you for still keeping your options open despite actually liking the doctor you currently have. After all, this is about your health and you deserve someone who is going to do their best to care about your needs. I'd love to hear how your next appointment goes as you continue your quest to find a good match for your healthcare needs. I know the task itself can be draining, but you're making a great choice to not settle. Continue to advocate for yourself and keep us updated! All the best, Latoya (Team Member)

    2. Hi, ! I just wanted to check in with you since it's been a while and see how things have been since the last time you inquired here regarding screenings for Felty's. How have things been going for you lately? Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

      1. Hi. Thanks for checking in on me. Well, I am waiting on an appt with a new rheumatologist later this month. I had one in January but had to reschedule because after developing a dry cough in November that my rheumatologist said he "wasn't concerned" about, I developed a fever and infection and had to be put on Augmentin. My PCP ordered a chest xray that indicated part of a lower lobe had collapsed. I subsequently developed C Diff from the antibiotics. I had a recurrence of the C Diff and it was impossible for some time to even leave my house. The C Diff infection made my RA look like a walk in the park. I have however been off methotrexate due to multiple rounds of antibiotics to treat the GI infection and my RA has been raging unabated. Other than that, it's good lol. 😀

      2. Whoa! Thats quite the update! I see you have dealing with a multitude of challenges recently and I hate to hear of the sickness you’ve had to endure. Especially after being ignored and getting worst because it didn’t seem like a big concern at the time from your doctor. That certainly makes things a lot harder on you and I hate that happened. But I'm glad to hear that you have an appointment with a new rheumatologist coming up; hopefully, they will be able to provide you with the support and guidance you need moving forward. Your resilience and sense of humor truly shines through in your ability to keep moving forward despite the setbacks. I’m more than positive that things are going to get better for you. Keep in touch! All the best, Latoya (Team Member)

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