Hi..a minor injury to my right index finger was the event that triggered an inflammatory response in my body about 7 months ago. In that time, I have completely lost the function of my right index finger--it is bent at roughly a 45 degree angle, completely immovable and my rheumatologist has told me that there is nothing I can do about it--this was three months ago. Also, OT confirmed this, but I have yet to see a hand surgeon. Four months ago I started Enbrel and asked to hold off on methotrexate as I just wasn't ready to sign up for the potency of such a drug--perhaps this was mistake, but my rheumy seemed to concur because, at the time, my labs we normal despite symmetrical and significant inflammation in my fingers (has cortisone injections to no avail), carpal tunnel-like symptoms, profound and debilitating fatigue, problems with my eyes as well. Anyway, at this point, the finger serves no purpose except to cause extreme pain in the event I bump it into someone because it doesn't flex. I know this sounds totally absurd and perhaps it is, but has anyone ever heard of or experienced selective finger amputation as a result of RA. I just want the finger gone if it can't be fixed at this point because it causes more grief than function.