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Has anyone experienced sore joints after a flare than before a flare has occured. I had a flare a couple of months ago and have painful hands much more now than before. Is this usual? My methotrexate injection dose has been increased because of this. Any advice would be greatly apprieciated.
Erin Rush Community Admin
Last Updated:
I have to admit that I spent some time digging through the website looking for similar experiences to yours and I came up emptyhanded. That doesn't mean that someone here hasn't experienced what you are dealing with; I just wasn't able to find any conversations or questions here that fit your situation.
Hopefully, if anyone here has been in the same boat, they will chime in here and offer you some support and tips.
Has your rheumatologist offered any insight? And do you know for certain that you are no longer flaring?
As you know, RA pain can linger and can sometimes never fully go away. And, I know that really stinks and I do hope this isn't the case for you.
I would definitely have a conversation with your doctor about what might be causing the pain and how to get it under control.
Some of our members have used NSAIDS to manage pain (please check with your doctor first) and others have tried temporary aids like hand splints, parrafin wax treatments, massage, heat, or cold. Your doctor may recommend prednisone shots to tamp down the pain and inflammation as well. One of our contributors shared how she combats hand pain and stiffness and I thought you might find her ideas helpful -- Again, I hope you get some more feedback from other community members and that the pain begins to fade very soon!
Best, Erin, Team Member.
mlynn Member
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Effie Koliopoulos Member
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Effie Koliopoulos Member
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Richard Faust Community Admin
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