Hello ! Thank you so much to reaching out to your Rheumatoidarthritis.net family. It really is a great question. I have always been strongly encouraged to receive the flu shot, because of my history of being a healthcare provider. I was diagnosed with RA arthritis 16 years ago. So it also was encouraged because of my immune system being suppressed.
I can understand any reservations you might have receiving the flu shot. Especially receiving a flu shot with a diagnosis of RA. Everyone does respond differently. I would recommend that your discuss receiving the flu shot with your doctor. He or she would know your specific medical history and would ultimately be your best resource.
I have not had any major issues or side effects when I have received the flu shot on a yearly basis. The only thing I did notice is an increase in my fatigue level for about 2 days after the shot. However, that did fatigue was noticeable, but did not impede me from carrying out my necessary activities.
Best of luck to you with you decision on receiving or not receiving the flu shot. I have personally found it beneficial and it has protected me through flu seasons.
I personally always felt better knowing that it increased any chances of not passing the flu to my elderly parents.
Thanks again for reaching out. ~Just Keep Swimming, Lynn Marie "RheumatoidArthritis.net Team Member"