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Anyone have a growing liver adeoma and need biospy?

I did not have this two years ago and have had two MRIs to show growth in the last four months. Now I have to have a liver biopsy. I don't drink, not on birth control or replacement hormones. The only two pharmaceuticals I've interoffice within the last two years are plaquenil and natural desiccated thyroid.

  1. Sorry to hear you are having these issues qi121392. Direct disease related liver issues is fairly rare with RA. It is much more common for issues to be drug-related. Elevated liver enzymes are listed as a potential side-effect of Plaquenil. I can't speak directly to plaquenil and adenoma and, for your protection, we cannot give medical advice over the internet. Hopefully some community members with some experience will chime in with some information. Wishing you the best and keep us posted on how you are doing. Richard ( Team)

    1. Strangely enough, all my numbers are fine.

      Thanks for the reply!

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