Has anyone tried H-1 antihistamines for their rheumatoid arthritis? I've researched this and there seems to be a correlation between people taking them for allergies and receiving some pain relief.
I have not heard of this as a treatment option. I have heard of it as an association not causation of pain. But I have to admit I have not researched it thoroughly. Perhaps others have more information?
Drea Member
As I recall, there was some talk a few years ago that H-1 antihistamines had an effect on OA [not RA]. I believe it was inconclusive for lack of data.
Having used first and second generation histamines for seasonal allergies for years, I can tell you, in my case, there was no appreciable improvement in arthritic pain.
If there's more info, please post a link.
Richard Faust Community Admin
Hi . There has been some research that histamines can play a role in inflammatory or autoimmune arthritis (see: https://www.nature.com/articles/nrrheum.2013.169). There is also some initial research into H-1 antihistamines as a treatment for osteoarthritis (see: https://arthritis-research.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13075-018-1619-7). However, I did not find research into these antihistamines as a treatment for RA (note: this search was by no means exhaustive). There is some evidence that those with RA may be more susceptible to allergies and I can tell you that my wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), is on a daily antihistamine to control allergies. Your doctor should be able to provide additional information and you should always consult your doctor before adding anything to a treatment regimen. Best, Richard (RheumatoidArthritis.net Team)