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Has any one had sudden onset arthritis with no previous signs or family history?

3 weeks ago I was training for a half marathon, running on the beach in the Dominican. (I live in Canada, just on vacation - came home immediately) Two days later I could barely walk with what they now say is arthritis in my right ankle, left knee, right and left index finger, right ring finger, right wrist and left "ring" toe (sausage toe).

It started with what felt like broken rib I had in that exact location......coincidentally, all the affected areas are places I have damaged over the years of my life (mid 50's now)

After a stay at the hospital and a few visits to the the rheumatologist I am on prednisone, methotrexate, oxy-acetaminophen, folic acid and something to settle my stomach with still only limited relief.

The current working theory is psoriatic arthritis or reactive arthritis. the symptoms are similar to these types of arthritis, but really not definitive.

If anyone has seen this and recovered it would really be great to find out before I develop more permanent damage; plus I know this group can appreciate the excruciating pain that is endured while I "try" different treatments. The medical community is trying but no-one I have met yet has seen this set of circumstances.

fingers (if could) crossed


  1. Jeff I am certain others have. It is more common in children. But, I am sure it has happened in adults as well. The thing I have learned after 20+ years with this disease is that nothing surprise me. The second thing is that no two stories are exactly the same.

    I hope you get to feeling better soon. I am so sorry that you you are int his situation. I am sending positive vibes and I am wishing you feel much better soon.

    1. Welcome to the forum, so sorry you have a reason for joining though. It is a true pain. Glad you were able to get home, be seen and diagnosed so quickly with some awesome treatment already. I have zero information about Reactive Arthritis, but I do suffer from PsA and RA (Psoriatic and Rheumatoid), Osteoarthritis and Degenerative Disc Disease. Osteo is wear and tear with age more common. As for the surprise of the PsA and the RA well no one in my family was ever diagnosed prior to me. That being said, the generation older then I am (59) did not doctor as much and if there was any onset of such it was as they got older and never was checked. My doctor too was stumped but it was because I am seronegative for both.
      What has happened to you, my doctor refers to it as a "Flare", meaning all heck broke loose and it's rearing it's ugly head all at once. Can you recover from a "Flare", many do with the right medication and continued maintenance medications. Can you recover from the PsA, no it is non-curable at this time. Will you have more damage? No one knows for sure, just depends if your medication, will it force a "remission". With todays treatments it's surely can slow the progression of damage to a very very slow pace. EVERYONE is different though.
      My best advise is to learn everything you can about your new found information, search this site, it's amazing. If you look below there is a forum from PsA also, which is rich in more information. As you travel on this new journey, make notes for yourself and your doctors. NEVER be afraid of asking "stupid questions" for it's those that don't seek answers that end up missing out. Make lists of things you find that bother or irritate your condition, bring that to your doctors attention. One thing for sure is ask your doctor about your workout / training routine, that might need adjustments in time.
      You sound like you are a healthy person, that's awesome and very much to your benefit, being a little scared right now is normal, but the more you learn about it now is very much to your benefit also.
      I so wish you much luck and if there is anything any of us can do, just post, we will all see it! YOU GOT THIS !!!! Yes, I am being a Cheerleader for you! ! ! !

      1. I am 67. September of 2020 i had meniscus knee surgery . Surgeon said to use crutches 2 weeks. The day after surgery severe pain in both shoulders and wrists . Thought it was my 190 lbs on the crutches causing the issue . Well it didn't get any better only worse . Could not even lift a glass of water to drink. Needed help to get out of recliner . PCP was called and he totally let me down . He told me to see the knee surgeon . At follow up visit with surgeon he said PCP should have ordered blood work, when surgeon did. Had rheumatoid factor of 17 with the range being 0-14. All other tests pointing to RA were negative, like anti-ccp etc . I did have CRP of 13, should be under 1. Got appointment with rheumatologist for Nov 3. Immediately put on prednisone and more blood work . Was then put on methotrexate . 4 - 2.5 mg . End of December rheumatologist increased MTX to 6 and stop the prednisone. By late December i was getting better . Once I went to 6 MTX , feet started burning in evening after shoes removed . Still dealing with the feet issue . MTX increased to 7. By mid December the CRP was under 1. No one else in family with RA. I go to gym and workout on 12 weight machines 3 times a week.. I do everything else I did before the flare . I am now on 3- 2.5 methotrexate once a week . I had a grueling 6 weeks of pain ,prior to the meniscus surgery . Didn't sleep and eat right . High stress . All of which my rheumatologist told me probably caused the RA to roar it's ugly head. My first post here but do read this forum . Could not keep from giving you my story . My wife's cousin at 67 was diagnosed in November. She was like me ,what's going on with my body ? I told her how it took a couple months to get back on track . She too was put on MTX . I said give it time . Last week she phoned and said she was doing good again. Good luck in your recovery !

        1. thanks. Crazy eh? How fast it could attack and no real answers. Glad I am not alone and that you are having good results. Want to run a half marathon in the fall.

        2. Hi . What a journey! I am glad your surgeon knew enough to order bloodwork and make that referral to the rheumatologist. How cool that you and your wife's cousin are both doing so well on methotrexate. Those are the kind of stories people need to read now and then, especially those who are new to RA. Thanks so much for chiming in. Best wishes. - Lori (Team Member)

      2. Hi Jeff (). Your frustration and confusion are certainly understandable. Getting a diagnosis with an arthritic condition can be a difficult process.
        Has anyone mentioned a possible triggering infection? I ask because this is generally the case with reactive arthritis (see: or
        Concerning psoriatic arthritis, we have a sister-site for that at It is easy to see why that would be considered another option.
        The good news is that the treatments you are on are possible treatments for both conditions. That said, with methotrexate it can take 3 to 6 weeks for symptoms to start to improve (see: Hopefully you will start to feel some relief soon and then narrow the diagnosis to a specific condition. People here definitely do understand and please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing and ask additional questions. Wishing you the best. Richard ( Team)

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