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CeePS101 Member
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Yes. Though I did it also due to another autoimmune disease and on suggestion from gastroenterologist. Gluten free, dairy free, no sugar, low Fodmap. Have felt enormously better. Others on here have too. Generally seems like people feel better with low carb, no sugar. Good luck!
CeePS101 Member
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Effie Koliopoulos Member
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Daniel Malito Member
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For decades I poo-poohed diets and tried so many of them that didn't work. Well, you can guess what happened. Recently, I tried another diet just to prove to somesone who kept asking me to do it that it wouldn't work and then lo and behold... yeah, it worked. No sugar, low carbs, low fat. Turns out, sugar is like one of my super-duper RA triggers, right up there with stress. I can start to feel the effects literally hours after I eat it. Then there is the whole AIP - autoimmune protocol diet, but that was way too strict for me. I just edited it down and made my own that works for me. The number one rule with diets is you have to make it so that you can actually do it. Too strict and you will fail, 100% of the time! Let us know if there's anything we can do to help. Keep on keepin' on, DPM
christine.laaksonen Community Admin
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Lizabella121 Member
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I aspire to go full Mediterranean but I grew up in a household that eats LOTS OF MEAT. Im leaning more towards veggies and seafood. Occasionally chicken maybe once a week. But I honestly got the best tip from my functional medicine doctor: KEEP IT SIMPLE AND ROUTINE. Routine is brining but it works and your body can expect it!
I make sure every meal has TONS of greens: add spinach to my eggs and slice of avocado for bfast, salad with veggies beans or fish for lunch, snacks are raw veggies and nuts…I don’t add a lot of variation because that overwhelmed me but…
Start slow and easy. There are also A LOT OF good examples of easy anti inflammatory meal plans online for free!
It’s hard. There’s no way around that part I’m finding!
Richard Faust Community Admin
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