how many people have coronary heart inflammation / disease from RA? I have had several stents put in after the triple bypass failed. My veins were not compatible being used in the bypass. The RA evidentially hampers the elasticity of the veins...
Richard Faust Community Admin
kathym Member
Initially had 3 stents after triple bypass failed. Last March (2021) had another stent put in. See my cardiologist regularly.
Keep nitro near by! RA also has damaged my kidneys, feet, etc. Internal and external problems. I take Remicade infusion, hydroquinone, and methotrexate. Manage the symptoms is all that I can do, plus keep a good attitude!
L rick Phillips Moderator & Contributor
It is as much about inflammation as it is about the disease specifically. I have RA and type 1 diabetes with very low cholesterol, yet I have had two stents. The reason is inflammation caused by RA, Diabetes, or goodness knows what.
So yes, as Richard suggested above, RA does contribute. But so does any inflammation.
dltld Member
I have CAD (Coronary Artery Disease) 3 stents in the heart, waiting for a 4th and one in my Thoracic Aorta due to a Aorta Dissection. RA is not the only cause for me of course, CAD can be hereditary which mine is. The RA and Psa inflammation on contributes of course. Diet, exercise when possible and meds, that is the treatment here. Keep regular appointments with Cardiologist, Vascular Surgeon and tested at least once a year via different types of MRI / scans, blood work and more. I feel lucky I am still alive with not heart damage at this time. I wish you much luck with your coronary and RA issues.
L rick Phillips Moderator & Contributor
Erin Rush Community Admin
CommunityMember387 Member
I have RA, lupus, pulmonary hypertension, etc...and left bundle branch block.
CommunityMember387 Member
I'm not really having any symptoms..very mild if any but I do get chest pressure when exerting myself..kind of a nauseating, weak feeling that passes if I pace myself. Dr said to see her yearly or when needed. My pulmonologist left town so I'm behind in that regard. It's hard to keep up with so many Drs !
Yes thanks for mentioning..I am in the Lupus group too.
Richard Faust Community Admin