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Hi to all

What can I have for fatigue sleeping after lunch awake 1 minuet sleep next minuet it's horrible especially when looking after grandchildren or I need to do something went shopping all I wanted to do was sleep.


  1. Sparklebright62, getting RA fatigue under control can be hard. Are you on any medications for your RA yet? It can be a bit of trial and error to find something that helps with your fatigue, if anything. While this article doesn't have many specific tips for managing RA fatigue, I thought you might find it interesting and you can check out the numerous member comments at the end of the article. You're definitely not alone in this! I hope this helps and maybe you can try some of the tips members have tried for managing fatigue. I hope you get some relief and are able to enjoy time with your grandkids! Best, Erin, Team Member.

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