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How do I make it to my brother’s funeral 3 hrs away while also caring for husband w/Parkinson’s?

  1. First off, my heart goes out to you as you deal with this loss, . Secondly, I apologize for not seeing your comment earlier!

    I don't know what to suggest, as I don't know how severe your husband's Parkinson's is at this time. Does he require 24/7 care? Is he unable to take care of his basic needs? If he is not at that level, you may be able to see if you can have a one time visit from an in-home care company. Many of them use trained nurses to provide care. It may be an option, depending where you live.

    Do you have any friends that could watch your husband for the day?

    I am sorry I don't have any wonderfully helpful suggestions, but please know I am thinking of you as you deal with this challenging situation and grieving your brother.

    Gentle Hugs, Erin, Team Member.

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