Hi, !
I wish I could give you a straight answer on the Methotrexate question, but I am in the same boat as your rheumatologist and I would defer to what he/she thinks. It's really hard to say for sure. I've seen estimates from 3 to 82 hours. But, that's just in reference to having a single dose metabolize and leave your system. I think you are thinking more about the long term effects methotrexate may have had on your body and how long it takes your body to bounce back from those (ie weakened immune system, hair loss, etc). And, again, I don't have a firm answer on that. It really seems to vary from person-to-person.
I know. This is NOT a helpful answer!
How do you feel like your body is responding after being off methotrexate for two weeks? That might be a better gauge than any answer I could give you.
And, on the other topic, I think it's pretty interesting that your MS symptoms receded while you were battling Covid. There is some evidence that shows that many women with MS go into a form of a 'remission' when they are pregnant. Now, I don't want to equate pregnancy with illness, but I wonder if our bodies do just prioritize what they can handle and when. And, since MS is an autoimmune condition, it stands to reason that the immune system can only focus on so much at a time. But, I am just hypothesizing on this.
I do hope IPL treatment works well for you and I would love if you would come back and fill us in on how it goes, if you don't mind doing so.
Best, Erin, RheumatoidArthritis.net Team Member.