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how this seem to you?

hi, 50 year old male . what can cause severe musle and joint pain? always healthy started having slow but progressing muscle and joint pain. It went already that far that he can't stand up in the morning from the bed. His whole body is stiff . he can only move with his ankle and fingers then roll in bed to warm up for about 30 min to stand up. He is in such a pain. The family doc did blood work and he has antibodies positive for boreliosis and yersenia. he was sent to specialist, but the waiting is terrrible, another 3 weeks. not sure if he can make it. any idea how this seem to you?

  1. Unfortunately, it is just impossible to tell what may or may not be causing the symptoms just through the internet. It could be RA? Sure. It could also be osteroarthritis, CFS/ME, lupus, etc. etc. As you indicted, he got the tests and is on his way to a qualifying physician, so that's, unfortunately, going to be the best path for finding out what is going on. I know it's not the answer you wanted, but it is really the only path to a possible solution. In the meantime just know that if it is arthritis, you are always welcome here and you and him both will not be alone, ever. Please let us know how it turns out and if there's anything else we can do in the meantime. Keep on keepin' on, DPM

    1. hi yes I understand was more wondering if this sound like related to rheumatology problems. Seems like someone healthy all life become ill so sudden so severe is almost unbelivable.

      1. Hi . You mention a positive test for borreliosis antibodies. Has the person ever been diagnosed with and treated for Lyme Disease (which borreliosis is another name for)? A positive test for the antibodies doesn't necessarily mean an active case, but if there was no previous treatment that is more likely. Some of the symptoms can also mimic RA.
        Do you know if a rheumatoid factor test or an anti-ccp test were done? I ask because these can be part of the diagnostic process for RA. This article gives an overview of the process:
        You mention an appointment with a specialist. Is this a rheumatologist? A rheumatologist should be able to do the diagnostics for Lyme disease or rheumatic conditions. As far as the time gap until the appointment, unfortunately, that is all too common. You may want to call to see if the doctor's office has a cancellation list. I know some community members have had luck getting appointments moved up in this way. Hope this information is helpful and please feel free to keep us posted on how things are going and to ask additional questions. Best, Richard ( Team)

        1. he has not been treated for boreliosis, CRP 82 ( normal range 0-5) european range, rheumatology factor IgA O, Rheumatology factor IgG 0, S ab yersene IgA 21.5 normal range 0-10, S ab yerseni ent. IgG 54 normal range 0-10

          1. just to mention the pain is constant during the day, it does not get better with movement

          2. Hi . These result illustrate why it is great that he has an appointment with a doctor to do further diagnostics. We are not medical professionals and cannot provide medical advice over the internet. I can provide this information that the high CRP is indicative of inflammation, but there are number of potential causes from infections to autoimmune conditions (see here for more information: Similarly the high Yersinia antibodies point to potential infection and potential reactive arthritis, but need a doctor to perform the necessary diagnostics (see: I do hope this information is useful in informing the discussions with the new doctor and there are some answers and relief soon. Best, Richard ( Team)

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