Hi guys! I'm new here. My PsA battle began 3 years ago. I've tried MTX, Enbrel and Cimzia without any substantial improvement. I respond beautifully to prednisone but we all know why that can't be a daily part of life. Last Thursday, I took my first Humira shot. I was knee-deep in one of the worst flares I've had (which was basically a month long nightmare) so I'm sure you can imagine my surprise when I I woke up the next morning (yes, morning!) feeling about an 85% improvement. I have a Masters in Nursing so it wasn't making logical sense to me, but it happened. I didnt spend much time thinking about it, I just enjoyed the best week I've had in years and carries on.
Yesterday's, so about 10 days in to the 2 week period, I started feeling bad again. Today, the pain is almost "normal" bad levels. I have two more shots in my fridge and I'm seriously contemplating goin ahead with dose #2. I've seen posts online that say weekly dosing can we indicated so I would think every 10-day dosing would be ok too. Has anyone else experienced something similar? How many of you needed weekly dosing for improvement?
Thank you!