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Hyperbaric oxygen treatment

I've had mild flares last 30 yrs, but after double carpal tunnel surgery and lots of physical labor, my anti-ccp went to 1865, pain and swelling severe, 4 months past surgery. Looking at options, I don't like the Rx options; I've had melanoma x2 so DMARDS are out. Don't like the retinal damage/blindness risk with hydroxychloraquine. Have read encouraging things about hyperbaric oxygen treatment stopping the inflammation and the progression of the rheumatoid arthritis. Does anyone have experience with this treatment?
Also, anti familiar with palindromic rheumatism? Seems to possibly fit what I have.

  1. I have to say, I have had rheumatoid arthritis for over thirty years and this is actually the first I’m hearing about this. It’s not often that something surprises me about RA these days so this is pretty interesting. How did you hear about it? Are there any studies you can share? I’d love to read about how it works, etc. As for palindromic RA I have asymmetrical but I have friends who have palindromic and it can certainly be annoying. If you haven’t spoken with your doctor about biologics, you may want to ask about those - they are fairly low side effect risk and if you find the right one it can be a game changer. In the meantime let us know if you need any help! Keep on keepin’ on, DPM

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