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Orencia Treatment

I’d appreciate it if I could obtain some information, from this very educated group, regarding the following:
I understand that the biological treatment of Orencia can be given to patients in two ways: a) weekly self-injected, Orencia ClickJect 125mg; and b) Monthly infusion given at a medical facility. I would like to know a) if anyone has used Orencia via both ways and if so, what are the compared experiences; and b) does anyone know about the difference between the two ways of receiving Orencia regarding the effectiveness and the side effects?
I was using the weekly Orencia Clickject, self-injection in the past. I was paying $1,200 a month until I found a patient assistant program. However, I don’t qualify for the program anymore, and I recently learned that Medicare covers the monthly infusion, but I wanted first to find out if the monthly infusion works just as well. I’d appreciate any feedback.

  1. Hi . I can't personally speak on Orencia treatments. I know that, in theory, there is not supposed to be a difference in effectiveness between the autoinjector and infusion, but I hope others chime in with their experiences.
    What I do want to mention is that, while it is the case that the copayment assistance is not allowed for the autoinjectors, there have been some changes in Medicare prescription drug plans for 2025 that brings the price down. The out-of-pocket expenses are capped at $2000 a year and cost can be spread out over the course of the year. This page provides more detailed information: Your doctors office should also have information on the changes. I don't want to imply that $2000 isn't substantial, but as you know, less than previously. I also don't know how this compares to the coverage for the infusions.
    Hope this information is helpful and, again, that others offer information on the Orencia. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    1. Thank you, Richard, for bringing my attention to the capped out-of-pocket expenses of $2000 in 2025. It is not a substantial amount at all.

      Sorry, I did not spell out another factor, in addition to the cost, that made me wonder if I should switch to Orencia infusion from autoinjector. I will state it now in case someone else has a similar experience. I have been using the interjectors for 4 years, however, a few months ago my injected area started to become a small wound and it would take 7-10 days to heal. It has been a persistent symptom. My RA doctor was surprised to see my wound and she thought of switching me to another biologic. Given how sensitive I could be to medications, she is not quite sure what would be the best alternative. I met with my doctor 2 days ago and I proposed to try Orencia infusion since it might be the safest choice for me now. She agreed. I will start my first treatment this Friday and will report back if anything is worth sharing.

      Thank you again, Richard!

      1. Hi Helen (). Wow, it is certainly understandable that you would switch from the autoinjector. I haven't heard of wound issues, but considering that the medication itself can be a hinderance to healing, it seems like some sort of wound from a site reaction could become a lingering issue. Hoping the new treatment goes well and please feel free to keep us posted. Best, Richard (Team Member)

    2. Helen -123
      I take the Orencia weekly injection and Yes healing from any cut, bruise is very slow. I know my age and that fact that my skin is thinner also does have an effect but the healing takes much longer.
      A scratch on my arm is three weeks old and is still not healed over. I have learned to keep bandages on hand. Hope if you take them infusions will work for you without any problems.

      1. Thanks so much for chiming in, . It can be so helpful to hear from others and we appreciate you sharing with Helen about your Orencia injection experience. Aside from the difficulty healing, do you have any other side effects? And are you satisfied with how it's managing your RA and symptoms? Wishing you a gentle day. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

    3. I have not had any other issues with Orencia other than taking longer to heal. My Rheumatologist did recommend when I had a small place removed from my scalp to not taking my shot for 3 weeks 1 before and 2 after to aid in healing.

      1. Hi . I actually just wrote you a note in a different string to check in and see how you are doing. Glad to see that it seems your treatment is going mostly well. Kelly had a similar experience with a pre-cancerous removal on her shin. Is this why you had a removal on your scalp? Kelly also has a psoriasis diagnosis, so I know that can also impact the scalp. Hope everything went will with the removed sample. Best, Richard (Team Member)

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