I’d appreciate it if I could obtain some information, from this very educated group, regarding the following:
I understand that the biological treatment of Orencia can be given to patients in two ways: a) weekly self-injected, Orencia ClickJect 125mg; and b) Monthly infusion given at a medical facility. I would like to know a) if anyone has used Orencia via both ways and if so, what are the compared experiences; and b) does anyone know about the difference between the two ways of receiving Orencia regarding the effectiveness and the side effects?
I was using the weekly Orencia Clickject, self-injection in the past. I was paying $1,200 a month until I found a patient assistant program. However, I don’t qualify for the program anymore, and I recently learned that Medicare covers the monthly infusion, but I wanted first to find out if the monthly infusion works just as well. I’d appreciate any feedback.