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I can't some of things I love to do, like gardening and going for walks.

  1. I know this must be heartbreaking for you. I’m really sorry to hear that RA is affecting activities you love. It’s tough when a condition limits the things that bring us joy. Have you found any alternative activities or modifications that might help you stay engaged with gardening or walking, even in a different way? Sometimes finding new approaches or tools can make a big difference. If you’d like, I’d be happy to brainstorm some ideas with you! Kindly, Latoya (Team Member)

    1. Hello , my heart goes out to you. I know a lot of our community members can relate to not being able to do things they used to love due to challenges with RA. One of our advocates, Daniel, wrote about this is an article I wanted to share with you, I hope his words can help you know that you aren't alone. Sending you gentle hugs. -- Warmly, Christine (Team Member)

      1. Hello dear friend! I am right there with you. For some/most of us, RA is a constant need for adaptation.
        I switched to container gardening years ago. I put the containers where I don't have to bend and it's much easier.
        The walking is a tougher issue. I've had to accept that I cannot walk or stand more than 5-10 minutes. I've learned to scope out chairs, stools, and things I can lean on in every situation.
        You are never alone here.

        Mary Sophia

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