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I'm going to have to give up my job, how do I deal with that?

Showing results for 'Hi, I am a primary school teacher and I've j just come to the realisation that I have to leave teaching and this has really set me off emotionally. As we know school is a bacteria fest and that means that I am very often sick with viruses and infections which means that I have to stop my medication. It has happened so frequently this past year that I feel that my RA is not controlled and I'm constantly in pain. I know that at the moment I'm in a vicious circle, I'm stressed because of the situation I'm finding myself in, this leads to me not sleeping well, which in turn leads to me not being able to handle the pain which in turn exacerbates this feeling of frustration and despair. I write to you because there are no support groups here in Gibraltar and I was just wondering whether anyone has gone through the same/ or similar situation and if so do you have any advice you could offer me. Apologies for the long post but I really need to get this off my chest. Thank you'

  1. So very difficult to HAVE TO merge the realities of the disease w the realities of life outside of you. I expect you teach because you like it…maybe you have joy in seeing students grow…and graduate. Losing that, having to surrender to a variable disease is heartbreaking.
    You’re doing fine and then crash…maybe you are taking an immunosuppressant like most of us…I cannot imagine being around those kids, to whom you happily dedicated much of your cognitive life, being exposed, in a weakened condition, to everything going around.
    I am sorry.
    Yes, I just told my RA doc if things don’t improve, I will have to quit. I am not sure if it is brain fog, or…as I said to my doc, “Someons is asking or telling me something…I feel like done hit my back w a baseball bat (cricket, whatever) abd hammered my wrists. Am I really listening? No, I am just trying to survive the conversation.
    Last night I had a horrible flare…I was pretty sure it was a heart attack. I spent the morning in the ER…the whole thinking, “How can I work?”
    Best wishes, expressed in prayer.

    1. thank you for sharing your experience. I really hope you recover from this flare soon. I do love teaching, being able to prepare our children for the future. They are the futures doctor's, nurses, politicians, surgeons, plumbers, electricians, the lost is endless and the knowledge that I'm helping them make their way in the world. I went into it knowing that that's what I wanted to do until I retired. Now I have to give it up. Again thank you so much for sharing it does help to hear others' reality. I do hope you feel better from your flare, try and get some rest. Sending you positive vibes x

    2. I only posted an anecdote because I don’t have an answer beyond I want to work and will until I collapse or get thrown out,

  2. You're in the right place to vent! Making the decision to leave your job is hard. There are many who have been where you are so you are not alone. RA can take its toll on you and cause so many changes and adjustments. With constant and intense flares, joint pain, and fatigue, one can only endure so much when also trying to balance both life and work. I want to share with you an article written by one of our contributors that talk about the changes and transitions one may experience in their RA journey- I hope it brings you reassurance in knowing that things will work for you in the long run despite how hard things may be right now. You are in my thoughts as you continue on your journey. We're always here for you. Warmly, Latoya (Team Member)

    1. thank you so much for reaching out. Our community is always here to listen and support each other in any way we can. I can tell you, you are not alone. I was an Occupational Therapist and had to "retire early" from my career. I was 40. It lead to complete chaos in my life.
      I have been in a lot of counseling to help cope and to help me with the grieving process, of losing a career I loved.
      I can tell you that I had to take some time off to get on the right track. I have been transitioning my career the last few years.
      Always take care of you first. When the time is right for you, explore other potential careers that you could utilize your degree and/or skill set.
      I was an Occupational Therapist and now I write medical articles from home. This is a really difficult time for you. Very, very challenging. However, know that with some time and exploration, you very well could find something else that you enjoy doing and find rewarding.
      Thank you for teaching our youth. My mom was a 4th grade teacher.
      Please reach out anytime. Sending a gentle virtual hug your way.
      Just Keep Swimming....
      Lynn Marie, " Team Member"

      1. Thank you so much for your words of wisdom and for sharing your experience with me. I know you're right, I have to focus on me first, no matter how much it hurts. Your words have given me hope, it is not always going to be like this. Thank you so much again. Gentle hugs,

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