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Is 0 medication possible? Managing RA Naturally

Hi, i have been trying methotrexate for months now. It has helped with my overall wellbeing but im not actually sure if it was the methotrexate or the fact that i have started being more disciplined and concious with the foods i eat. I try to identify wich foods are making some sort of reaction and therefore causing inflamation in my body and staying away from them or reducing the amount it eat. I have also started working out more, doing afirmations, doing heavy metal and parasite naturall clenses and keeping toxings from house products and cosmetics and shampoos away from me.

Sooo, my question is. Do any of you manage your RA or other inflamatory disease with 0 medication? is this even possible? I like to try different ways so i heard about the Paddison program. Do any of you know it? i think i will try to do it but for that i will get off my medication so as to know truly if this works for me. Of course i will talk this through with my Rheumatologist but i think i know what he is going to say about this 😅

  1. also i forgot to mention i want to get off of it because it has been giving me stomach issues and also i dont like to be away from the sun. I find the sun very healing and important for well being. I dont like hiding from it i live in a very sunny country

    1. Hi . I can't say that Kelly has any experience with the Paddison program. I honestly think that has to do with the fact that she was diagnosed and doing treatments long before it was developed and then it just never came up. I do hope that others can offer some thoughts/insight because I'm definitely not opposed to people trying different things - hey, it something helps, go for it (maybe try posting a new Forum question just on that program to see if you get more community feedback). Best, Richard ( Team)

    2. I do support the leaky gut theory in some regard myself as I think it makes sense and after almost forty years of RA it's the only explanation I've read that makes sense and corresponds to what I see with what happens when I eat certain things, but who knows - it may be totally off. I think once you identify your triggers both food and otherwise, you can make a more informed decision as to the mediation question! Also is a fount of technical and clinical knowledge if you want to drill down on the nitty gritty! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

  2. I understand your concerns, and had the same questions when I was first diagnosed 19 years ago. From my experience, combination therapy has worked the best. Meaning conventional medications and integrative approaches. There's a lot known about RA meds now and tests your rheumatologist can do to help decide what path is best. Meds helped me live life again and so have lifestyle changes. RA is a very complex disease with more to be discovered. I often compare it to cancer because of how much goes into it and the severity it can cause. There's similarities in how it affects our lives on all levels. Even with natural methods, there is trial and error as well. RA can act fast, and you do want to protect your joints as once damage does occur you can't really get cartilage back. Yes there are stem cells etc, and other things in the pipeline science wise but it's not mainstream. I would find a good rheumy who listens and works with you, and a very knowledgable integrative doctor who can help you with diet but also dig deeper to check everything from how your body is handling viruses, bacteria, hormonal levels, thyroid health. These all are key players in RA too and you want to look at gut health. You can do all this and be on meds successfully. I know people who have been able to ween off meds and go into remission. I've known others who are in remission and need to take one med still. Others need meds longer. Everyone is so different. I hope this helps and wishing you nothing but the best with clarity on your path forward on this journey. -Effie, team member

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