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Is anybody on Methotextrate and Humira?

I just got prescribed Methotextrate for RA and I have been on humira for 3 months. I was wondering if anyone is taking these 2 meds at the same time and what their experience has been? I am just very nervous to start on Methotextrate while on humira.

  1. Hi . That is a common combination, but I have no experience with it myself. I hope you get some input from the community and that if you do start taking them together, it helps. Wishing you the best. - Lori (Team Member)

    1. I have been on Methotrexate and Humira for almost 2 years. I believe the combo is responsible for me being fully in remission. My fatigue remains but is significantly better. Currently I have very little joint pain and my labs have remained normal.
      Hope it works as well for you. Take care. Janice

      1. thank you for your reply!! I’m really glad you are in remission now! I’m so happy for you! I hope it will do the same for me! I was hoping it would help with the fatigue aspect of things, I am really struggling with that right now. Are you able to drink alcohol at all on it? Like on occasion?

    2. I have been on methotrexate since september of this last year.. My Dr. Just put me on humira and tonight is my second dose. Not sure if it is related but am having TONS of muscle spasms and charlie horses all over...???

      1. I'm sorry you're experiencing so many muscle spasms. It's difficult to say exactly if Humira is the cause just because medication impacts everyone differently and many times it's based on your body's personal reaction. But this is a thread that was created speaking about Humira side effects that could be helpful: - Reggie, team member

    3. I've been on this combination of drugs before and I totally understand your hesitancy. Two different high-powered meds can be daunting, but just know that many of us have experienced this regimen before and many of our community members I'm sure will be happy to share their experiences which may help put your mind at ease. NO matter what, though, remember that you have the final say about what happens in your body, and you know yourself best! When you discuss your concerns with your rheumatologist remember that! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

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