I never realized how strong of a person I was until I realized that I hide this poison so well that people don't even realize how sick I am. If I complained every time something hurts me I would never stop talking and by not doing so, I've made it so that the people who are closest to me have no idea how bad I really feel and they don't get it at all. The fact that they don't understand how bad I feel has caused them to incorrectly think that I am not as sick as I really am and caused me problems because of it. I don't think anybody truly understands how bad it is except those who are in the same boat. Otherwise, they don't get it because they don't usually see it on the outside and people seem to think that if they can't see it, it's not that bad. I guess they won't get it until I am wheelchair bound or maybe in a mental hospital. Sometimes being a strong person can work to your disadvantage....