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Jaw pain while eating

I have been diagnosed with RA going on 4 years now, and just recently I have noticed that while I am eating my jaws hurt. Also when I open my mouth it feels like my jaw bone is cracking (almost like cracking your knuckles), but when I apply pressure it goes away.

Is this something that is common with RA, and I should discuss with my rheumatologist, or something I should discuss with my dentist?

  1. I have had jaw pain on and off for my thirty plus years of RA. Most times it is definitely due to the joint in the jaw getting irritated and inflamed due to RA. I was surprised the first time it happened but then I realized what it was and just had to ride it out. It is certainly worth discussing with your rheumatologist, they might want to adjust your meds, especially if it is interfering with your eating. Either way just know you are not alone! Keep on keepin' on, DPM

    1. Hi . Just to follow up on what Daniel said, RA can definitely impact the jaw and most people feel it at some point. Here is an excellent article on the topic from our contributor Andrew: Besides talking with your rheumatologist, it is certainly not a bad idea to speak with your dentist, not only to find out if they have any ideas for easing the jaw pain, but also to see if they are familiar with treating patients with autoimmune conditions, since a lot of other dental issues can also accompany them. Wishing you the best and please feel free to keep us posted on how you are doing. Richard ( Team)

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