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Lowered dosage

I started with a new rheumatologist and he is having me gradually lower my dosage of prednisone and Hydroxychloroquine. My pain has gotten worse, I feel like I am in a fog, I am tired and my breathing is wheezy. Has anyone else experienced this?

  1. Hi . It is certainly understandable that you would be troubled by these symptoms. Are you on any medications besides these two? I ask because hydroxychloroquine is often prescribed with other drugs. I also ask because, If not, I'm curious if the doctor explained why they were trying to lower the primary medication (it is not uncommon to try to ween patients back on prednisone). If you have concerns about your treatment and whether they are being heard by the doctor, please don't hesitate to seek another opinion. Hoping you get some answers and relief soon. Breathing issues are not to be taken lightly (and can have other causes), so if they continue be persistent in getting treatment. Please feel free, if you like, to keep us posted on how you are doing. Best, Richard ( Team)

    1. May I ask why they were lowering the dose? {Actually, I'm all for getting off Pred.] I'm wondering if the idea was to move your over to a more effective drug.

      Re the breathing: do you have asthma or COPD? This can worsen when Pred is reduced.

      1. He wants to get me off these two meds because of the side effects and because of of how long I have been on them. I do not have asthma or COPD that I am aware of. I go back to see him in December and I will hopefully get more answers. Thanks for your reply.

        1. Hi . It is good that you have a scheduled appointment. I want to share with you this article on questions for the doctor: It is geared towards focusing on your care and giving you control over it. I also want to return to the question of if you are on any other RA medications or if your new doctor has mentioned any? Your doctor may have good reasons for wanting to get you off of these particular drugs, but it is very much with in your rights to ask what the plan is to move forward with controlling your RA. I also want to again stress that breathing issues can have other causes, so please don't hesitate to bring it up with your GP if it persists. Best, Richard ( Team)

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